No Chanel collection is complete without seasonal editions of the Flap Bag. It’s a general term that the French fashion house uses for handbags that come with a curved flap displaying the inimitable CC logo in the middle.
However, don’t confuse it with the Classic Handbag, which looks similar. In actual fact, the Flap Bag carries a much simpler profile, with a single interior compartment for essentials.The Classic Handbag is much more detailed, with a second inner leather flap and numerous pockets for organisation.
This also explains the difference in price points between the two styles. For #CHANELSpringSummer, signatures of the house were combined (tweed and diamond-quilted stitching) to create the eye-catching mini Flap Bag.
Measuring 15.5 cm by 15 cm, it will be available in Orange/Ecru and Light Blue/Ecru, perfect for channelling summertime vibes. Chanel has also added a lambskin leather handle on top.
This gives you another way of carrying instead of the leather-interlaced sling, earning extra points in terms of versatility. Furthermore, the mini bags utilises gold-tone elements to give it extra structure and reinforcement.
The tweed bags are fully lined in lambskin leather, with orange and light blue interiors matching the respective bags. But if you fancy a full-leather bag inside and out, it is also available in a sophisticated white lambskin style.
The new Mini Flap Bag With Top Handle looks set to be the darling of the season. But which of the three options has your heart?